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Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What are charter schools?
A. Charter schools extend the privilege of choice to all families. They provide options for parents and students in pursuing their ideal educational experience. Charter schools are open to all children free of charge who are eligible to attend traditional public schools in the state of Michigan. Charter schools are governed by a local Board of Directors and are required to meet and often exceed the standards of its Authorizer and the State Board of Education

Q. How are charter schools governed?
A. Charter schools are governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Academy's Authorizer. Bylaws of the Board of Directors outline its role and responsibilities. Some charter schools employ an education service provider/management company to provide executive leadership and management services. Other charter schools choose to go it alone with the Board and Academy Director.

Q. What are the benefits of sending my child to a charter school?
A. Children attending charter schools benefit from small class sizes, high academic standards and innovative approaches to teaching and learning. Charter schools are organized by a founding group that is passionate about the basic tenets of the curriculum. Enthusiasm for the school is contagious. Board members, staff members, parents, students and community members are attracted to the charter school because their interests coincide with the charter school's educational program and special themes.

Charter schools have to be responsive to parents' concerns because they operate in a free market. Parents literally make the choice to send their children to the magnet or theme school. Parents also typically transport their children to school, which means that parents have a stronger connection and more active communications with the faculty and staff.

Q. Why should I send my child to a charter school?
A. Our fundamental belief is that every child will be empowered with the academic knowledge and skills, work habits and character traits to gain access to the American Dream. All children are capable of accelerated learning and achieving excellence in their academic endeavors and are prepared for active citizenship in their communities. Each state certified, highly qualified instructor employed by Flat River Academy receives intensive training on the links of differentiated instruction and the importance of holding oneself accountable for the academic success of all students. The goal of achieving and maintaining parental satisfaction requires each employee to take the education and safety of each child personally and continually seek parental input regarding academic needs and successes.

The Flat River Academy Board stands firm for safe, secure schools and make the tough decisions to ensure that every child receives a first class education free of disruption, threat and fear. The Board is focused on student achievement, parent satisfaction and safe, secure location for learning.

Q. How do I enroll my child at Flat River Academy?
A. Parents or legal guardians are invited to submit an application for student enrollment at the Flat River Academy. All forms must be submitted in person. Students will be accepted and assigned to classes on a first come, first served basis. If a particular grade is full, students will participate in a lottery process at the end of the official enrollment period or will be placed on a waiting list in the order enrollment applications are received.

Flat River Academy Enrollment Application

Q. Who is eligible to enroll at Flat River Academy?
A. Any student eligible to attend public schools in Michigan is eligible to enroll at Flat River Academy. To enroll in kindergarten, your child must be at least five years of age on September 1 of the school year of enrollment. Flat River Academy does not discriminate against any student on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, gender or disability. Charter schools are public schools and all children are encouraged to attend Flat River Academy.

Q. Do you test for kindergarten readiness?
A. No. We do not attempt to categorize students at such a young age. Teachers meet students where they are and create individual student learning plans so each student can excel individually and as a whole. Flat River Academy’s kindergarten is an academic kindergarten, which requires students to demonstrate proficiency in academic skills to be promoted to first grade.

Q. What materials are required for enrollment for the first time?

  • Birth certificate: The child’s birth certificate is required for enrollment at all grades.

  • Immunizations - kindergarten: Parents of students entering kindergarten must present proof that at least one dose of the following immunizations has been received:

    • MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)

    • Polio

    • DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus)

    • Or TD (Tetanus and Diphtheria)

    • Hepatitis B

    • Certificate of hearing and vision examination after age 3 and before entrance into kindergarten

    • Religious exemptions may be honored upon completion of the proper state form (Click here to download this state form)

  • Immunizations -transfer students: All new students must satisfy the same immunization requirements. Parents must present proof that immunizations have been received.

  • Record Release Form: A parent is required to sign a record release form at the time of registration. (Click here to download this form[pending])

Emergency Care Information: An Emergency Care Information Card must be filled out completely and filed in the office for use in emergency situations. Please list emergency contacts in the event a parent is not available. Correct telephone numbers are essential. Parents/guardians are expected to update the card as changes occur. (Click here to download this form)

School Hours:

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

© 2022 by Flat River Academy


9481 Jordan Road
Greenville, MI  48838

Phone: (616) 754-9360

Fax: (616) 712-6080


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